How to Put Off Procrastinating

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Why do we Procrastinate? There is an urgent piece of work that needs to be done. You know this, and yet you find yourself suddenly giving attention to more trivial matters that you convince yourself are suddenly urgent. It’s almost … Continued

Building a Healthy Relationship

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There are few areas of our lives to which we devote more time and attention than our relationships. In poems, songs, pictures, photographs and films, we struggle to capture both the agony and the ecstasy of our intimate connections with … Continued

Anger Management

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Anger Management is about both behavioural strategies for anger management and dealing with underlying issues that lead to anger. There is a difference between feeling angry (an emotion), and reacting angrily (in your behaviour), and it is important to be … Continued

Children and Drug Abuse

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How can I recognise if my child has a drug abuse problem? Certain factors predispose teenagers to drug abuse. These include a family history of substance abuse, a history of depression and low self-esteem, feelings of not fitting in, and … Continued

Coping with Change

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Change, whether we like it or not, is a fact of life. It’s actually one of the few things that we can be sure of happening. Change can be big or small, it can be unexpected or planned, it can … Continued

What is Workaholism?

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Work can become an addiction. “Workaholism” is not a recognised psychological disorder, but describes a common psychological issue. Someone is struggling with workaholism when s/he has a relationship with work that excludes time for self-nurturing, friends and relationships. Workaholics can … Continued